
Family Constellations Institute

Santa Teresa, Costa Rica
Individual and group sessions, in person and online

Family Constellations

Family Constellations, created by the German psychotherapist Bert Hellinger, are a profound therapeutic help to life. Tuned with the great universal healing forces we try do do important steps to solve our issues and live a good life. So Family Constellations are an investigation of the obstacles which prevent our life to flow easily, for our and other's wellbeing. Often in our relationships with partners, relatives, with the job, money, health, we suffer the effects of the unconscious repetition of family patterns, entanglement with the destiny of some forgotten ancestor, hidden loyalties, with difficulties that take different forms. To clearly see the root of our issues, to accept the origin of the trauma, and finding a new solution for it, is the exploration that this work offers. At the service of reconciliation, integration, inclusion, at the service of good living.

  • feeling more connected with our emotions
  • more grounded and balanced in facing the challenges of life
  • deepen the relationship, learning to interact with others from a vast and calm space within us
  • finding help to solve practical difficulties (in your work, with illnesses, etc)
  • finding a new way to love our family and our ancestors giving up to carry the destiny of others
  • working towards a more fulfilling life
What can you constellate?
  • disturbing physical symptoms
  • illnesses
  • addictions (alcohol, tobacco and other drugs)
  • personal trauma (abuses, accidents, and so on) and family inherited trauma
  • relationships (with partner, siblings, parents, children, other relatives, alive or even with who has already passed away to help the grieving process)
  • difficulties with the job, money, food, finding a partner, etcetera
  • uncertainty in taking decisions (for example in which country go to live, what to chose among various options, etcetera)

The experience of a session of Family Constellations, individual or in a group, generates movements of expansion of the heart, to include, integrate and reconcile, at the service of good living.

The role and the benefits of the representatives in the Family Constellations.

Thanks to the representatives the unconscious dynamics of the person who is constellating and his family system are revealed, to see other images and profound solutions.

The representative is who represents an element of the family system of the person who is constellating.

He or she is a channel of information and energy, who is at the service of the family soul, without judgement and intention.

He manifests physical sensations and emotions of the individual and familiar unconscious of the person who is constellating.

He is guided by a slow, subtle, paused, movement which manifests in the field of energy.

He doesn't analyze, only senses and perceives.

He doesn't remain with anything as his own (if this happens, means that there is a strict resonance with who he is representing and his history).

Sometime he doesn't know who or what kind of energy he is representing.

  • It helps us deepening our sensing and develop perception
  • It exposes us to the phenomenon which happens in the energy field, training us to let be taken and guided
  • It there is resonance, what I am representing is even part of my personal history
  • We receive opportunities to heal and free ourselves
  • We are at the service of the destiny of the other people, so of the collective destiny

Nicolò Berzi (Milan 1969). Graduate in Mechanic Engineering at the Politécnico of Milan, soon followed his passion for mountaineering becoming a professional mountain guide (IFMGA) and teacher in the formation. More then fifteen years ago strongly arose the desire of self-knowledge and he dedicated to the spiritual quest in different paths, trying to find what unites all the different mystic traditions. (student practitioner and teacher of the tantric Shivaism of Kashmir; carrier of the Sacred Pipe of the Red Path the Shamanic Path; graduate at the Eckhart Tolle School of Awakening). At the same time he graduate as Relationship Counselor (Gestalt therapy and Integrative Body Psychotherapy) and later facilitator of Family Constellations studying with Elmar Zadra, Giuseppe Clemente, Chiara Spadarotto, Gloria D'Avila, Joan Garriga and Brigitte Champetier de Ribes. He offers spiritual retreats and individual and group sessions of Family Constellations, seeking for the integration of everything experienced and discovered, at the service of the joy of good living. He is the author of the ebook "Kaliyuga safari", Delos Digital 2016.

"The first Order of help means that you give only what you have, and the other only expects and takes what he really needs"

Bert Hellinger

© 2024 Nicolò Berzi